Close animal brothels in Denmark. Stop brutal rape of animals. Make it ILLEGAL. SICK!

  • por: Melek Saglam
  • destinatário: Ambassy of Denmak in Holland

I've seen disturbing pictures of raped dogs which ended up dead! I was in shock, got sick, nearly fainted, disturbed. You name it. No words can even describe my feelings! The picture says enough. This one angel did not survive the hell men did to him. Please sign, share, and don't stop until we hit 1 million supporters.

Let's speak up for them worldwide! You with me? I hope so.

I hope to deliver the signatures asap in all of our names and the names of the animals who passed away and to stop more of this sickening cruelty!

In the name of these poor, abused pets, thank you!

For more information on this horrible situation, read this news report.

Atualização #29 anos atrás
Dear all fellow animal lovers, GREAT NEWS!!!

Finally Denmark has passed a law on 22th of april 2015 against this important issue; Banning Bestiality. Thank GOD.

Let's hope that anyone who breaks this law will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
Thanks to you all again. Keep on loving the animals and keep on care for our best friends ever.
Atualização #19 anos atrás
Denmark just started this year to get the Law for banning through. It is still not clear when that will be. I'm monitoring that.As soon as I know more I will share a new update.Untill than please keep on signing and sharing this petition.Everybody needs to know about this matter worldwide.You can see a link in my other petition about Finland Romania and Hungary for more information about Denmark and what their president has said. Thank you all in the name of our loved ones!
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