Get Rid of the New Wesleyan University Logo

Our Wesleyan University has decided to change its logo in the middle of the night. Many of us awoke to something completely alien to us. I, as an alumnus was not consulted about the change, nor I have learned, were current students consulted as well. It has come to my understanding that the overwhelming opinion is that the old crest and "W" were cherished representations of our school and should not be changed. If they were to be changed, shouldn't we, those who donate money and attend the school be consulted? Please sign this petition if you agree that we should be kept in the know about such major decisions and have a proper re-evaluation about rebranding. We should be focusing on more pressing issues like CAPS, which affect our current students' day-to-day lives.

Atualização #16 anos atrás
Wesleyan has announced that they will be changing back their logo to the old W and will be convening with students, faculty and alumni to design a new logo. Thank you to all that signed. We as a community showed great strength and it is a great testament to the spirit of Cardinals. Go Wes! We did it!
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