Stop the Somerset Badger Cull!

The Somerset, UK Government is planning a badger cull despite strong protest from their residents. At a packed meeting held at the county last week, not one person stood in support of the cull. Recent research shows that 81 percent of citizens are against the cull, while only 3.4 percent support it.

Killing badgers is not only unethical, but ineffective. Ten years ago, the Government killed 11,000 badgers to no significant effect. Shooting badgers, especially at night, places citizens in danger and requires additional law enforcement to police the procedure, which raises costs.

There is no reason to cull badgers in Somerset County, and citizens are strongly against it. Please urge the Government to halt plans to cull badgers and instead put the funds into vaccinating them against tuberculosis.

To: Somerset County Government

We, the undersigned, are concerned with your plans to implement a badger cull despite strong protest from their residents. At a packed meeting held at the county last week, not one person stood in support of the cull. Recent research shows that 81 percent of citizens are against the cull, while only 3.4 percent support it.

Killing badgers is not only unethical, but ineffective. Ten years ago, the Government killed 11,000 badgers to no significant effect. Shooting badgers, especially at night, places citizens in danger and requires additional law enforcement to police the procedure, which raises costs.

There is no reason to cull badgers in Somerset County, and citizens are strongly against it. Please halt plans to cull badgers and instead put the funds into vaccinating them against tuberculosis. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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