Tell Florida: Keep Bestiality Illegal!

Lawyers representing Carlos R. Romero, a farmhand who allegedly masturbated his miniature donkey, Doodle, are fighting to make bestiality legal in Florida. Currently, sex with animals is unconstitutional in the state, and Romero has lost custody of Doodle.

The lawyers argue that current anti-bestiality laws violate Romero's rights by stripping him of his "personal liberty and autonomy when it comes to private intimate activities." The state also doesn't require proof of the sexual activity being non-consentual, or that the animal has suffered.

Personal liberty should not include sex with animals, who lack the intellectual capability to consent to unnatural interspecies intercourse. Rolling back Florida's bestiality laws will enable animal abusers and pornographers to exploit animals for their own personal gain. Please sign the petition to convince Florida State Legislators to preserve the current bestiality ban and to keep animals out of their abusers' custody.

Dear Legislator,

We are concerned with recent pressures to roll back anti-bestiality laws in Florida.

In a recent case, lawyers representing Carlos R. Romero, a farmhand who allegedly masturbated his miniature donkey, Doodle, are fighting to make bestiality legal. The lawyers argue that current anti-bestiality laws violate Romero's rights by stripping him of his "personal liberty and autonomy when it comes to private intimate activities."

Personal liberty should not include sex with animals, who lack the intellectual capability to consent to unnatural interspecies intercourse. Rolling back Florida's bestiality laws will enable animal abusers and pornographers to exploit animals for their own personal gain. We respectfully urge you to preserve the current bestiality ban and to keep animals out of their abusers' custody. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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