We need laws regulating the use of deadly force against our family pets.

  • destinatário: The President of the United States The U.S. Senate The U.S. House of Representatives Your Governor Your State Senate Department of Health & Human Services (Kathleen Sebelius) Attorney General, Department of Justice (Eric Holder) Vice President (Vice Presi

Our police protectors are shooting our family pets. They say that the dog was acting aggressive towards them, when witnesses completely disagree. We need to act now - I have read at least 14 cases of dog killings in the last 1 1/2 - 2 months. And I am pretty sure, I missed some. We need to protect our beloved family members. We need to make sure that the law holds the police to the same standards as they hold the common public to.  Help us bring about change and protect all members of our families. Here are just a few examples of the horrendous acts of cowardice committed by our police forces.


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