Lets make a stand for the Stray Puppies/Dogs in Russia

Stray Puppies/Dogs are roaming free in Russia. But Russia leaders have allowed a company to kill them off. I for one will not stand for this type of action that is why I am making my voice heard. I hope that you care about this story as much as I do and I also hope that you make your voice heard.

Dear Vladimir Putin


I am aware of the stray dogs in Russia. I am also aware that you and other Russia leards have allowed a company to come into Russia to kill stray dogs. I for one am againest this type of action and I will not stand back to watch this maddness unfold. That is why I am making my voice heard. The stray dogs don't need to be killed they need people with good hearts to welcome them into their homes. So I am asking you to stop this maddness before its to late.

Atualização #111 anos atrás
Thank You all who signed already or plan to sign. I choose Aug. 20th to end this Petition it would bring me great joy knowing that on my birthday I made a chage in the world. Please tell your friends and family about this Petition. Once again THANK YOU!
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