2 cachorros mutilados : Asesino Knino

We need your help and your participation! 

It takes more than 500,000 signatures to request the amendment of the Penal Code for the Protection of Animals, and this, whether around the world, against animal abuse, so that animals no longer regarded as objects in the eyes of the law, but as living beings, humans.


We have all recently been arrested and around the world shocked by a video of a member of http://www.blogger.com who live scandalously abusing a puppy in a cellar: burning of the skin bright fracture members by the twisting of the legs, crushing the puppy by stepping on, blows nose attached with tape ...
It is assumed a perverse pleasure in torturing the innocent, whistling and how the most vile and inhuman, he said on his blog as such:
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Dog torture II
1 / 95, rest 94 (forthcoming). For those, the torture will be as follows:

1. Abuse, mental
2. Spit like a Schnauze
3. Burns extended
4. Limb fractures before
5. Mechanical asphyxia

And for the first time, I will introduce a mechanism that I did not use because my "play ugly" was not designed for fluids such as blood. I also mutilate her ears as a trophy.

6. Rectal penetration
7. Mutilation
8. Salt on the wounds and injuries
9. Urinating on the puppies still, maimed and terrified
10. Everything goes through my head, will be welcome!

Curious fact: The pups I have killed have all Chiesa terror. There's one that I was hitting with my chrome tube and every shot, he dropped farts and diarrhea.
Hopefully for the next skin I'm going to do, I promise you, it's already hot!
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In addition, there were 11 hours of total physical abuse, including forcing them to eat their own excrement, death by suffocation slow and painful, as it has endured, the practice of Christ, that is to say The fracture of the shoulder blades and move their legs back ,....

The video was broadcast via this site and that remains visible http://www.oaxacain.com/noticias/60/4114.html
You can see for yourself the seriousness of the acts.


October 19 at 14:30 pm, a neighbor of the central street Ayuso Antonio city, the former Margarita Nelken, found in a cardboard box, two puppies severely mutilated. Several neighbors were alerted by the screams from the box that was at n.8, he came to see what was happening. One of the residents opened the box and found inside was a sealed bag.

In opening, he found the two puppies, age approximately 1 month and still alive, who had been severely mutilated: ears, nose, tail, limbs missing, beside surgical gloves. The pups were taken urgently to a veterinary clinic. The National Police has opened an investigation. One of the puppies, brown, had to be euthanized because of the severity of injuries. The second puppy is in serious condition and he feared for his life. A puppy now remains alive. He remains in intensive care despite superinfections, he is under treatment and starts to play again.




http://www.elpais.com/articulo/sociedad/Red/caza/torturador/cachorros/elpepusoc/20110217elpepusoc_8/Tes http://www.elpais.com/articulo/sociedad/Red/caza/torturador/cachorros/elpepusoc/20110217elpepusoc_8/Tes
http://www.telecinco.es/informativos/sociedad/noticia/100034094/El video del torturador de perros proviene de fuera de Espana 
http://www.pet-abuse.com/case_images/15891/ (Images des chiots morts, retrouves,...)


Dear Sir / Madam, 
We, the undersigned ask that the man be tried and sentenced to a heavy penalty for his killers and sadistic acts against innocent living creatures and sensitive.

We have recently all been stopped by a video of a member of http://www.blogger.com who live scandalously abusing a puppy in a cave: the burning of raw skin, limb fracture by twisting the legs , crushing the puppies walking on it, blows nose attached with tape ... it is hardly worth going further to define its inhuman acts.

It's taken a sadistic pleasure in torturing innocent people and how the most vile and inhuman ...: rectal penetration, mutilation, salt in the wounds, urinating on the puppy yet, mutilated, terrified, broken right foreleg , physical abuse (11 hours total), including forcing them to eat their own excrement, death by suffocation slow and painful, as it has endured, the practice of "Christ", that is to say, the fracture of the shoulder blades and move their legs back ,....

He had no remorse and no pity to mutilate and slowly sacrificing its living beings. I know what pain is, physical violence, it is so intense and unbearable, we would rather die to be released, than endure this affliction of body and soul for hours, months, even years.

It does have a pardon for those who puts his hand on the lowest that gives the right to inflict any punishment the most bloodthirsty in the most total indifference.
This is why, I think he deserves to know the return of what he did and he remembered all his life.

I sympathize with each day the pain experienced by animals, and I also understand how they feel. And even if they can not talk, they howl to death. I just want peace in this world, and one who does not respect the lives and on top of that, is given all rights of ownership of living beings on the benefit to condemn them or make them suffer, do not deserve no right to live without return of justice.

The video was broadcast via this site and that remains visible http://www.oaxacain.com/noticias/60/4114.html
So you can see and judge for yourself the seriousness of the acts.

Awaiting justice, we ask you sincerely, Mr. Prosecutor, our most distinguished sentiments.

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