Implement Other Methods of Teaching & Not Use Live Animals

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: David M. Stern, M.D., and David C. Seaberg, M.D. of UTHSC Chattanooga

A medical and science school in the Tennessee area has been found continually using live animals as their study curriculum and we are urged to ask that other methods of teaching be implemented.  Read the story here

Our concern is that this school still uses live animals in its surgery clerkship and we are asking them to replace these methods with validated human based programs that does not involve any cruelty or abuse to animals.  The purpose of this petition is to encourage the Deans at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center (UTHSC) Chattanooga to stop using live animals and opt for other non-animal methods in teaching.  You can support this issue by signing and sharing this petition to spread the word.

Animals are not meant to be objects of experimentation and research and is considered harmful and neglectful.  Schools like this example needs to utilize other non-animal methods of teaching that will be valuable to the students while properly respecting animals. Help us in our efforts to be heard at this school ad make a difference.

We urge you to end the use of live animals in the surgery clerkship at UTHSC.  Your school is currently the only school using such sub-standard methods in training future doctors of the world.  The UTHSC Chattanooga is only one of two remain schools that uses live animals to train students in surgery techniques.  Stop using animals and consider other non-animal methods of teaching.  Please stop this poor unethical method of education, opt for better methods and give animals the respect they deserve.

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