Ban Dangerous Pesticide Cocktails!

  • por: Lynn Hamilton
  • destinatário: United States Environmental Protection Agency

The United States Environmental Protection Agency is supposed to protect Americans against dangerous pesticides and other air born chemicals often used in agriculture and landscape control.

But the EPA isn't doing a very good job of vetting pesticides that contain a combination of chemicals. According to new research, the combination of certain pesticides (cocktails) is much more dangerous than the use of the individual chemicals that make up the mix. For example, Enlist Duo is a pesticide that combines glyphosate and 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Together these ingredients work to kill stubborn weeds, but they may be causing kidney damage in humans while they are at it.

Please join me in asking the United States Environmental Protection Agency to rigorously investigate all cocktail pesticides in which the various ingredients are known to demonstrate synergy.

Dear EPA:

I appreciate all efforts you have made so far to save our air and water from dangerous pesticides and other chemicals. However, it appears that you have a blind spot when it comes to cocktail pesticides. The combination of ingredients is quite often more deadly than the work of any individual ingredient by itself. Science refers to this as chemical synergy. Please rigorously investigate all cocktail pesticides in which the various ingredients are known to demonstrate synergy.

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