Dear President-Elect Obama,
We  the undersigned are asking that you would get federal funding to New Harvest (a non profit research organization) for the research being done on cultured meats.(in vitro meats)
This research is vital to helping many of our world issues.
Getting this curltured meat on the market and available to poeple throughout the world is vital. It is a one of the most important and easy ways to solve world hunger, enviromental issues, health issues linked to eating meat, and the cruel practice of raising animals for food. 
Using just a few cells from an animal, the cells are grown in a labatory. These cells mulitply and grow the  tissue and muscle that is the meat we eat. Once this meat is grown it is than cut into the different cuts of meat. Right now they can grow thin layers of meat suitable for ground meats. (chicken nuggets, hambugers, sausage) They need funding to continue this research in a timely manner to grow thicker layers of meat for the thicker cuts of meat. Also funding to get the facilties going to grow this meat on a scale large enough to make it affordable for poeple to buy it. 
Once this  meat is available to the public it would end the need to raise living animals for food. This would elimate 35% of the enviromental problems directly related to farm animals.
This would also help to solve much of the world hunger as enough meat could be grown from a few cells from an animal to feed the entire world for a year. Also the crops used to feed livestock would then be able to be used for human consumption.
This would also help with many health issues. As the meat would not have all the anitibotics, hormones and other unhealthy things in it. The meat can have as much colestrial and fat removed or added to make it healtier to eat.
This would also make factory farming and slaughter houses not needed to raise and butcher animals for food.
This meat would not put poeple out of work. It would only change the type of meat that is being used. Factory farms would have to get into producing this meat, and small farmers would be able to sell all thier crops instead using 95 % of what they grow to feed livestock.
We ask that you would get this research federal funding to get this meat available to the public in a timely manner. It is time for the world to stop using living animals for a food source. It is time to make a dramatic change in world hunger and envirmental issues. It is time for humans to eat healthier meats and to stop using the cruel practice of raising and slaughtering living animals for food.
We ask that you make this a major priority when you take office in January 2009.

Tom Vilsack as the Next Secretary of Agriculture

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