133 Animals Were Rescued from a Gruesome Cockfighting and Gambling Ring. Investigate The People Involved!

Hundreds of innocent animals were just rescued from a horrible forced-fighting ring in Dallas, Texas. Luckily, authorities arrived in time to save 133 animals, but they were two late for two of the creatures, which were already dead.

The animals, primarily roosters that were pushed into deadly cockfighting battles, were horribly injured and maimed. But that didn't bother the approximately 200 people who were allegedly gathered around a cockfighting ring, placing bets on which creatures would inflict more "successful" violence on the others.

Sign the petition to demand authorities investigate this cockfighting ring and everyone involved in perpetrating this horrific animal abuse!

Once authorities arrived, they discovered dead chickens scattered throughout the residential property. Luckily, the surviving live chickens are now in the care of a Dallas-area animal rescue. Additional, non-chicken animals were also on the grounds, but police allowed them to remain.

According to state laws in Texas, turning birds against each other for fighting and gambling purposes is a felony offense. It's also a misdemeanor to aid the "blood sport" by providing a space for others to bet on or set up cockfights. It's even a misdemeanor offense to watch. All of this is correct and appropriate, since people are forcing confused and unwilling animals to engage in brutal contests that often end in severe wounds and death.

Now, officials need to make sure other animals are safe from these predatory humans as well. They must investigate this incident! Additionally, authorities should remove all other animals from the property and send them to safer, more loving homes. Sign the petition if you agree!
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