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Dear Sirs,
We have recently learned that the largest remaining colony of highly endangered Mexican prairie dogs have suffered habitat destruction by misplaced soil conservation works and potentially other harmful activities. We urge you investigate the legalities of the activities that have promoted the destruction of this protected species. Please uphold the law to protect Mexican prairie dogs, and work with scientists in the field to create an amenable outcome to help prevent further destruction of one of the last remaining colonies of this species.
Scientists continue to discover the crucial role that prairie dogs play as a keystone species. There are numerous benefits to protecting prairie dogs, as they maintain healthy grassland conditions in a fragile Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem and help prevent desertification processes that could irreversibly transform the land and ecology. Prairie dogs also provide critical habitat and prey for many other threatened and endangered grassland species.
Please investigate and end the elimination of this endangered species.
Supimos recientemente que la colonia mas grande que aun existe del Perrito Mexicano de las Praderas, especie en alto peligro de extincion, sufrio la destruccion de su habitat por obras de conservacion mal ejecutadas y por otras actividades danyinas. Les imploramos que investiguen la legalidad de las actividades que han contribuido a la destruccion de esta especie protegida. Les pedimos que hagan cumplir la ley que protege a los Perritos Mexicanos de las Praderas y que trabajen con los cientificos en el campo para forjar una salida favorable que evite una mayor destruccion en una de las ultimas colonias que quedan de esta especie.
Los cientificos siguen descubriendo el papel crucial que los perritos de las praderas juegan como especies clave. De la proteccion de los perritos de las praderas se derivan numerosos beneficios pues ellos mantienen las condiciones saludables del pastizal en el fragil ecosistema del Desierto Chihuahuense y ayudan a evitar los procesos de desertificacion que pudieran transformar a la tierra y a la ecologia de manera irreversible. Los perritos de las praderas tambien proveen de habitat y de presas a muchas otras especies de pastizal amenazadas y en peligro de extincion.
Por favor investiguen y pongan fin a la eliminacion de esta especie en peligro.
Dear Sirs,
We have recently discovered that a colony of endangered Mexican prairie dogs may have reportedly been affected by misplaced soil conservation works and other potentially harmful activities. We implore you investigate the legalities of the activities that have promoted the destruction of this protected species. Please uphold the intent of the protection and work with respected experts to create an amenable outcome to help prevent further destruction of one of the only colonies of this species remaining in existence.
Scientists continue to research and discover the crucial role that prairie dogs play as a keystone inhabitant. There are innumerous benefits to retaining the prairie dogs, as they have also been found to maintain healthy grassland conditions in a fragile Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem and help prevent desertification processes that could irreversibly transform the land and ecology.
Please investigate and end the elimination of this protected species.
With Kind Regards,
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