Tell the Pope to Stop Releasing Peace Doves!

Children released two peace doves from the Vatican window last Sunday, only to watch in horror as a seagull and crow attacked the birds moments later. Videos of the attack flooded the media, disturbing the world and suggesting violence, hopelessness, war, despair and anything but peace.

Domesticated doves are easy targets for other birds due to their white color and inability to recognize predators and flee. The Pope's intentions in releasing the doves were innocent, but after witnessing the gruesome aftermath he needs to end the practice.

There are other traditional peace symbols the Pope could use to send a dramatic message without harming any creatures. For example, he could have children make paper cranes or plant white poppy flowers. Please sign the petition to convince the Pope to stop releasing peace doves.

We, the undersigned, are concerned about the recent release of two peace doves who were attacked by a seagull and crow in front of children. Videos of the attack flooded the media, disturbing the world and suggesting horror, hopelessness, war, despair and anything but peace.

Domesticated doves are easy targets for other birds due to their white color and inability to recognize predators and flee. We believe your intentions in releasing the doves were innocent, but after witnessing the gruesome aftermath we feel it is time to end the practice.

There are ways to send a strong peace message without harming any creatures. For example, children could make paper cranes or plant white poppy flowers. We respectfully urge you to stop releasing peace doves. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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