Ban all Pesticide Use in the Westfield Townhome Community

Pesticides used on lawns and gardens, around places of business & residence, and in parks and fields pose needless dangers to human health and the environment.

The studies are clear, the effects are real, and the research has been around since the 1940s.

Multiple studies over many years have shown that pesticides "may cause cancer, respiratory diseases, organ diseases, system failures, nervous system disorders and asthma, which are closely connected with immune disorders."

I am not willing to accept the risks posed by toxic pesticides used for cosmetic purposes, especially since simple and effective alternatives exist, and have existed long before humans.

I call for the HOA to....
Prohibit the use of all chemical pesticides for all landscaping in the Westfield Subdivision;
Provide for public education about the ban and alternatives to chemical pesticides;
Include effective mechanisms for enforcement; and
Pass and implement said ban immediately

Please sign this petition to say NO to pesticides used at the Westfield Subdivision in Louisville, CO.

UPDATE 2/11: I updated the petition to only allow Colorado residents to sign, so it may better represent the residents at the Westfield Community. While I love and appreciate all the support we've received from people all over the world, I want the HOA to know the people living here have made this decision for their home. My apologies I did not do this from the start, as this is my first time using this platform. Thanks, everyone!

Atualização #53 anos atrás
Just wondering if any owners have gone to a meeting to discuss pesticide use & how it went? Please email me @ to let me know! And if you haven't gone, please go! They are waiting to hear from you. To present an alternative to pesticides, check out this: Foamstream uses very hot water/steam & other biodegradable ingredients that pose no harm to humans, animals, or the environment to rid of weeds. Let's actually do this!
Atualização #43 anos atrás
After much back & forth with Beth today, it seems the next step is to follow the HOA protocol- if you are an owner and sincerely want to ban pesticides here, then please go to the next board meeting and simply let them know. Those of us who are renters cannot do this and so we need any owners willing to do so to go and speak up! If you need help with what to say or need any materials/pamphlets, I am happy to help! Email me @ Thanks, everyone!
Atualização #33 anos atrás
I reached out via email after sending our petition & have received this from Beth:

"Any owner of a Westfield condo is entitled to attend board meetings to voice their concerns. This has not occurred. A “blind” survey is not considered to be an owner request. Owners at Westfield have access to meeting information and can attend should they choose to. Owner input is always welcome and considered by the Board when presented in the appropriate manner."

Atualização #24 anos atrás
I have now sent the letter and petition to the Management company for review. Thanks to all who signed and wrote comments. Now we wait, and hope that they do the right thing for us residents.
Atualização #14 anos atrás
Thank you to everyone who has signed. If you know of any neighbors who haven't signed yet, please reach out and ask if they will add their name! To those who wrote in their thoughts, I also thank you. To Ludovic: please keep us posted on what the HOA says at the next meeting when you bring this issue up. I appreciate you doing so! The plan is to send this signed petition to the HOA to let them know we do not want pesticides used at our homes.
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