McDonalds - Please stop using the ingredient Carrageenan in your Menu.

  • por: Simi
  • destinatário: McDonalds

Hi Readers.
McDonalds - Please stop using the ingredient Carrageenan in your Menu.
I was browsing the internet today and reading different menus of restaurants and their ingredients and things and came upon the McDonalds site, now I'm not a huge fan of fast food places but I loved McDonalds when I was younger and since I have developed a gluten, and soy allergy and also don't eat meat or eggs I tend to cook everything at home just to be on the safer side, but every now and then I like to pick up some beverages, mccafé, desserts or shakes while I'm out and about and it's always been a nice treat, or so I thought, I'm such a label reader and ingredient fanatic but I managed to trust somethings that I should have been looking up online earlier, first of all all restaurants should be MADE to put ingredient listing on all their products! People NEED to know what they are eating.
I found out a while ago that one of my favorite Almond Milk brands was using the heavy talked about ingredient Carrageenan.
I have avoided this in things like ice cream, dairy, yogurt, dairy-free beverages, chocolate, frozen dinners, soups and broths.
It's said that carrageenan could be causing inflammation, gut irritation, and even cancer!
That is huge and not good!!
I'm so sad to have lost my favorite drink "Vanilla Chai Tea Iced Frappé" from McDonalds but I checked so many of their beverages, and desserts and shakes contain this yucky ingredient (vanilla cone, sundae's, mcflurry, triple thick milkshake, whipped cream in mccafe items, the yogurt in the smoothies, frappé's)...
Please I love you McDonalds for your beverages but we need to see this ingredient removed from your menu, it's 2014 I'm sure there are many more healthier ingredient options!

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