To make closed information about M.E and CFS freely available.

We the undersigned request that all information relating to M.E. (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) and CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), including correspondence with the medical profession (Ref: BN 141/1), held in the National Archives, Kew, UK, as a closed document and not available for public access, after 78 years, until 2072, is made freely available.

It is believed that such revelation may yield clues that might lead to effective treatments and hopefully a cure for this dreadfully debilitating illness, which affects millions of people worldwide.

This petition is in addition to a freedom of information request, made by its creator and an open letter to a national British newspaper co-signed by a majority of representatives of people with M.E.

It has not been possible to petition number because the service has been suspended since 6 April 2010 and, pending review, is expected to be re-launched later in the year. Furthermore, since its jurisdiction may be limited to the UK, we encourage petitioners from all over the world, since M.E. knows no geographical boundaries, in order to realise the magnitude of concern that there is worldwide.

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