TD Bank's Global Headquarters in downtown Toronto are sleek glass skyscrapers that seem innocuous to humans, but the reflective windows confuse migrating birds by mirroring nearby habitat and sky, with fatal consequences.

This campaign is to encourage TD Bank (anchor tenant of TD towers) to work with Cadillac Fairview (owners of TD towers) and the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (owners of Cadillac Fairview) to apply bird saving window treatments to their high-collision facades which can help save hundreds of birds from fatal strikes with the towers each year.

Please sign this important petition now! 

There are several companies that offer highly effective solutions to prevent birds from colliding into home and office tower windows. Two methods proven to save birds lives are:  

  • Visual markers such as strategically placed white dots or other images installed on the exterior of the glass.  They are often called bird deterrent films.  
  • Acid etched designs or images on the surface of the glass.
    Banner image: One of many birds found and tagged at TD Towers this past year. Yellow Bellied Sapsucker, Tag 200875 OBSERVED 2020/04/06 (by Glavinlday)

    To find out more on the issue of daytime bird strikes, visit

I understand bird strikes with the Toronto-Dominion Centre windows, in downtown Toronto, are a significant issue resulting in hundreds of birds dying each year.

These windows should be treated with bird collision deterrent markers.

Please do what is right and install the necessary bird-friendly window treatments at the TD Bank Towers.
Atualização #33 anos atrás
As work is waiting to begin at the TD Towers (COVID-19 restrictions permitting), we are happy to bring this petition to a close. We commend Cadillac Fairview and TD Bank on this project and are looking forward to following its progress and success.

To stay updated on this or any future campaigns, please be sure to join our mailing list at

Thank you again, for your support. You made a difference!
Atualização #23 anos atrás
A big thank you to everyone supporting this petition.

We have received confirmation that this Spring/Summer 2021, Cadillac Fairview and TD Bank will begin installing Feather Friendly Film in other areas of the TD Centre. The timing of the installation will be subject to COVID-19 restrictions.

We commend them for committing to this project and affirming that birds and the environment are worth protecting.

We will continue to follow their progress and keep you updated.
Atualização #14 anos atrás
Thank you! We have reached 50K+ signatures! Recently, we delivered a new letter to TD, Cadillac Fairview & OTPP. You can find the letter on our website homepage ( TD has responded by labelling the matter as "closed", and there has been no new communication from Cadillac Fairview or OTPP. However, we are far from giving up and will continue with this cause. Please continue to share this petition and show them enough is enough! Again, thank you for lending your voice.
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