• por: Sharon D
  • destinatário: Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, Cuba

There are numerous strays and sick and emaciated animals. Most which would be adoptable if in a rescue situation. I am writing this petition to hopefully get the attention of and start towards a change for the cats, dogs and farm animals of Cuba. Please I beg you help me and help these animals live better lives. 

I strongly believe that if Cuba had at least one animal shelter the animals would be so way better off than they are now. The shelter I am proposing would employ local as well as foreign staff and would also benefit the economy as it would create another employment opportunity. If this petition succeeds the shelter will also include a not-for-profit volunteer program aimed at rehabilitating sick and injured animals, so that they too can be adopted.

So I ask you caring citizens of the world to band together with me and sign this petition in order to improve the animals welfare of Cuba and its lovely creatures. 

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