Say No to Trophy Hunting of Yellowstone Grizzly Bears

Yellowstone Park continues to break its own visitation records. Millions of Americans flock to see its world famous animals. One of Yellowstone's most iconic creatures, the endangered Grizzly Bear, has become a target for wandering outside the park boundary. Its seasonal food sources there are now gone as a result of climate change so it has to move to survive. Being a hungry bear is not a good enough reason for states around Yellowstone to call for a trophy hunt of this creature beloved by millions. Trophy hunting would spell disaster for the grizzly as it struggles to adapt to so many human pressures on its shrinking wilderness home. Trophy hunting should never be part of Grizzly Bear management. Please join me in demanding no tolerance for trophy hunts of the endangered Grizzly .

Atualização #18 anos atrás
DEC 15, 2016 — Call the White House Day!
Thursday, December 15!
Phone number: 202-456-1111

The situation is more dire than ever, and the grizzles badly need your voice. Tell President Obama to continue protection of the Yellowstone grizzly under the Endangered Species Act.

Please act now in support of these treasured animals. The grizzles are counting on you!
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