Stop the leafblowing

We, the undersigned residents of Grand Street and the surrounding area, are writing to express our shared concern regarding the persistent noise disturbance caused by the operation of a leaf blower on Grand Street, Brooklyn, NY, between the hours of 6:00 AM and 8:00 AM.

This ongoing disturbance is a clear violation of New York City Administrative Code Section 24-218, which prohibits the use of lawn care equipment, including leaf blowers, between these hours. Despite multiple complaints filed with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection and the New York Police Department, the disruptive noise continues to negatively impact our community.

The constant early-morning noise has deprived us of the peace and quiet we are entitled to and has caused significant distress to many residents in the area. As a neighborhood, we have a right to a reasonable level of peace, especially during hours when noise restrictions are enforced by law.

We, the undersigned, respectfully request that the owner immediately cease the use of his leaf blower during the restricted hours. Failure to comply will result in collective legal action, including a nuisance lawsuit, and we will continue to pursue this matter until the violations are permanently resolved.

By signing this petition, we affirm our commitment to protecting our neighborhood's right to a quiet and peaceful environment and to ensuring that city noise ordinances are upheld.

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