Don´t kill the Karakul lambkins for their pelt !

The fur  of the Karakul sheep is becoming increasingly popular. There are two types of fur, for the  first type the lambkin is slaughtered and skinned  one to two days after birth because it still has its curls that begin to smoothen out after 3 days. The second type is even more cruel, 15 - 30 days before the due date the throat of the ewe is slit without anaethesia and exsanguinated then the fetus  ripped out of the dying animal´s womb, killed  and skinned. They are born to die. This kind of fur  is very soft and sought-after.
About 4 million of these skins are produced annually.

I,therefore,appeal to the fashion designers to renounce to manufacture  the fur of the Karakul sheep. Don´t be so heartless and let those animals live free .

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