Save Marineland's Animals

  • por: Rufina T
  • destinatário: Canadan Government, UNO

Marineland is a theme park that is located in city of Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Park has both land and marine animals but recent research and photos show that animals are badly treatment in this park by administration. Investigation shows that animals that had been caught by eye infection were not medically treated by park administration.

On the other hand, an undercover video that was taken by a group of animal activists reveals that dead bodies of birds, deer and other animals are being piled on the top of each other. Park management is also failed to provide appropriate fresh water to black bears.

A former employee of park Phil Demers says that dolphins are living there in extremely poor water conditions, a large quantity of both land and marine animals are suffering from eye infections and eye diseases as well.

In short, all above conditions in which land and marine animals are living at Marineland are very poor. Therefore, I undersigned, demand from Canadian government to make more strict laws for animal protection because existing laws of Ontario are unable to protect animals inside zoos and to implement proper health safety measures at aquariums. I hope all of you will feel the pain of Marineland’s land and marine animals and will support this petition.

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