Biden Must Stop Texas' Unconstitutional Immigration Law

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: President Joe Biden

Texas has recently passed a law that lets police arrest migrants who enter the U.S. illegally and allows judges to order them to leave the country. This new law sets a dangerous precedent by challenging federal authority over immigration and has raised serious constitutional concerns. 

Sign this petition to urge President Biden to act against Texas' new and controversial immigration law.

Illegal immigration, often driven by the need for safety and a better life, is not a moral wrongdoing but a human issue deserving compassion and understanding. Migrants, many fleeing dire circumstances, deserve empathy and fair treatment under the law. This new Texas law not only oversteps federal authority but also fails to recognize the complex humanitarian aspects of immigration.

Governor Greg Abbott's aggressive border policies under President Biden's administration include sending migrants across the country and using harmful methods like razor wire along the Rio Grande. The new Texas law allows the arrest and potential prosecution of migrants, stepping into an area that the federal government is supposed to handle.

Sign the petition to demand President Biden to reaffirm federal control over immigration and respond to Texas' unconstitutional actions with compassion and fairness.

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