Keep Seal Trade Ban in the European Union

  • por: Animal Advocates
  • destinatário: World Trade Organization Chairman: Mr. Luzius Wasescha, Members: Ms. Mary Elizabeth Chelliah, Ms. Patricia Holmes

In a hearing with the World Trade Organization expected to take place in mid February 2013, Canada and Norway will challange the European Union Seal Trade Ban,

Canada and Norway continue to dismiss the concern and outrage of millions of Europeans as well as their right to reject products which are the result of animal suffering, as it is inherently impossible to kill seals in a humane manner.

The collective outcry of millions of European citizens brought the cruel trade in commercial seal products in the European Union (EU) to a shuddering stop in August 2010 with landmark legislation.

Ask to World Trade Organization to confirm that countries are entitled to introduce trade restrictions and trade bans on the basis of "public morality” and “animal welfare”.


In a hearing with the World Trade Organization expected to take place in mid February 2013, Canada and Norway will challange the European Union Seal Trade Ban,

Canada and Norway continue to dismiss the concern and outrage of millions of Europeans as well as their right to reject products which are the result of animal suffering, as it is inherently impossible to kill seals in a humane manner.

The collective outcry of millions of European citizens brought the cruel trade in commercial seal products in the European Union (EU) to a shuddering stop in August 2010 with landmark legislation.

Ask to World Trade Organization to confirm that countries are entitled to introduce trade restrictions and trade bans on the basis of "public morality” and “animal welfare”.


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