Demand Decrease in Littering Through Beverage Container Deposit Law in Wisconsin
I live in the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and hate to see the damage that we are doing to the earth through littering. Most people don't see or feel the effects of littering directly so they don't get the 'why' or in this case 'why not' litter.
Last week I was driving with my son in my car and passed an off ramp from the expressway. While stopped at a light I looked to my left and saw an entire field, probably the size of gymnasium, covered in plastic bottles. I couldn't believe that almost every square foot of the field had a plastic bottle that had mindlessly been discarded out of a passing vehicle with no concern about the damage done.
I would like to propose to the State of Wisconsin that we initiate a bottle deposit law over all purchased beverage containers. I grew up in the state of Michigan and never thought twice about paying a deposit on my beverage container and then saving all of the cans and bottles and returning them to the store. The solution is simple-the legislature is already laid out for Wisconsin to replicate. As a state, we should do our part in encouraging the recycling of plastics.
*As of October 2010 there are 11 states that have container deposit laws. California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Oregon, and Vermont.
Listed below are links with resources citing the existing laws in place.
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