Make it Mandatory for all people to desex there pets and only allow pet shops to sell rescued animals

  • por: Marlaina
  • destinatário: Malcom Turnbull

In Australia 1000s of cats,dogs and other animals are euthanized and dumped because people are not desexing there animals along with the breeders and puppy mills the animals at puppy farms live in poor conditions just to be used for breeding if we made it mandatory for people to desex there pets or evan only be allowed to have 1 litter then there animal needs to be desexed and the Desexing should be cheaper so people can afford to desex there pet.

The rescue animals would have a chance to find there forever homes if we dont have kittens and puppies to buy people would only rescue animals.when people give away or sell animals by law the animal should be desexed we would save thousands of animals each year can you please sign and share my petition animals have rights the sooner people see that the better people will be become i also have another petition for ban live export and factory farms,down,fur and animal testing ,medical testing.


if yous could please sign you can also send a my will letter to


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