Put The Facts Before Mans' Eyes: Animal Abuse Must Stop Now!

To Call Attention To Animal Abuse And Reach The Hearts Of Those In Power!

To the United States Congress: Senate & House of Representatives.We Call Upon You To Pass Laws That Include All Who live In The USA!


Look In Their Eyes. It isn't humane that any creature should treat any living being the way some so called humans treat Animals. Look in their eyes, dogs cats rabbits squirrels pigs horses etc are far more humane & human than many of our species and thus more deserving important commanding our respect! As a society the customs the status quo have kept us from reversing such an atrocity that animals are abused and killed and those who walk on two legs get no more from us than a slap on the wrist. It should be brought to public attention on a full scale that these injustices these crimes against humanity including dogs cats horses etc must be stopped immediately and are a blemish to the human name a miscarriage of justice!

To the United States Congress: Senate & House of Representatives.

We Call Upon You To Pass Laws That Include All Who live In The USA!

Look In Their Eyes. It isn't humane that any creature should treat any living being the way some so called humans treat Animals. Look in their eyes, dogs cats rabbits squirrels pigs horses etc are far more humane & human than many of our species and thus more deserving important commanding our respect! As a society the customs the status quo have kept us from reversing such an atrocity that animals are abused and killed and those who walk on two legs get no more from us than a slap on the wrist. It should be brought to public attention on a full scale that these injustices these crimes against humanity including dogs cats horses etc must be stopped immediately and are a blemish to the human name a miscarriage of justice!

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