Ban The Use Of Orangutans In The Boxing Ring

  • por: Sue Lee
  • destinatário: Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha of Thailand

Orangutans are interesting and amazing animals that should be living happily in their own natural habitat, climbing from tree to tree in fun and to forage for food.  They do not belong in a boxing ring as a form of entertainment for humans.  If people want to fight each other in an effort to entertain those watching for whatever reason, that is a choice. However, these animals do not choose to be boxing stars and it is cruel!

Such an activity seems to be a popular form of entertainment at Safari World, Bangkok. The animals are dressed in boxing gear and placed in a ring to resemble a boxing match with each other.  Animal lovers are in awe and appalled at such an exploitation of animals for the amusement of humans. Mr. Philip Mansbridge, Director of the IFAW stated that “It’s shocking that such cruel and exploitative treatment of animals continues for the so-called ‘entertainment’ of tourists. Orangutans are highly intelligent and sensitive animals that share 97 percent of their DNA with humans and they do not belong in a ring where they are dressed up and made to fight.”

A representative of PETA, Ms. Leahy also stated that “It’s sad that people would find this entertaining. When you see these animals performing what are completely unnatural tricks, they’re not doing it because they want to, they’re doing it because they’re afraid not to.” We are attempting to stop such an activity through the actions and please presented in this petition.  You can help us in our efforts by signing and sharing this petition.

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha of Thailand – We strongly urge you to place an immediate ban on using orangutans as a form of entertainment by placing them in a boxing ring.  This is a concrete form of animal cruelty and abuse to force these animals to be highlighted in a sport of boxing, dressed as boxers!  These animals belong in their own habitat and not be exploited in the entertainment business for the purposes of amusing humans and generating funds.  Stop this practice!  Ban the use of orangutans in the boxing ring.

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