Add up to 32 free parking spaces on 1300 Ingraham Street and 600 Valencia Street 90017

The #1 livability issue of the residents of 1300 Ingraham Street and 600 Valencia Street in the Westlake South neighborhood of the City of Los Angeles is not enough free street parking. Landlords have difficulty renting apartments given the lack of parking. Residents and visitors illegally and unsafely park their cars in alleys blocking access to first responder vehicles and legal tenant parking, block fire hydrants, regularly park in red zones, and families are forced to double park in the street to unload groceries and babies in car seats often creating an unsafe environment for drivers and pedestrians as well as at times causing the street to become impassable. And, residents have almost been hit by speeding drivers.

The Westlake South Neighborhood Council is committed to finding a solution to this problem and has approved a project to do just that. That solution is to make the street one way and re-stripe the south side of the street for angle parking as LADOT has done in mid-City neighborhoods. The current estimate is that up to an additional 32 free parking spaces could be created with this one solution.

Would this project have a positive impact on you, your family or neighbors?

We encourage all residents and landlords on these two blocks who would benefit from this solution to sign this petition today! With your support the Westlake South Neighborhood Council will lead the effort to see this project become a reality!

Thank you

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