Stop Excessive Feeding of Wildlife

Excessive, artificial feeding of wildlife causes overcrowding & increases disease thereby threatening the health & safety of the animals and to public health and safety as well as property damage.

Many wild animals do not interact with others of their own species except during mating season.  When excessive food is constantly available, they gather in abnormally large numbers where if one has an illness or disease, it spreads throughout the group.  Other issues include:

      • young don't develop their own forage skills when raised relying on humans

      • they loose their fear of people 

      • reproduction rates are affected 

 Therefore, we ask the Town Council to initiate an Ordinance to the effect that:

A.  No person shall provide liquids or edible material to animals or wildlife in a manner that will cause a public nuisance by the number of animals and/or birds, size, or positioning of the feed.

B. Feeding in a manner that results in the attraction of animals that cause property damage, a threat to public health or animal health due to the number or type of animals attracted by excessive amounts of feed or feeders, placement of feed on the ground or to set feeders within 50 feet of another property line, or to allow the feed to accumulate, are deemed a public nuisance and are prohibited. 

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