Pass the “No Kings Act” and strip Trump of his immunity!

The Supreme Court's decision to give Donald Trump full immunity from prosecution for the crimes he committed is a direct assault on our democracy, turning our presidents from elected representatives of the people's will into would-be kings who are immune to any and all accountability for what they do. Ivan the Terrible would wholeheartedly approve.

But Democrats won't stand for it. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has introduced the appropriately named "No Kings Act" to ensure that our nation continues to have presidents and to make sure Donald Trump cannot escape responsibility for his many, many crimes.

Take presidential immunity away from Trump!

"Given the dangerous and consequential implications of the court's ruling, legislation would be the fastest and most efficient method to correcting the grave precedent the Trump ruling presents. With this glaring and partisan overreach, Congress has an obligation – and a constitutional authority – to act as a check and balance to the judicial branch," said Leader Schumer in a statement.

For the good of our republic, our democracy, and our moral integrity, Congress must pass the "No Kings Act" and restore the noble vision our Founding Fathers had for a nation free from the tyranny of monarchs.

Pass the "No Kings Act" and strip Trump of his immunity!

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