Provide a shelter bed for all DC homeless youth tonight

Today, the Washington Post reported, "Counselors at one of the city’s largest shelters for homeless youths have had to turn away more than 80 unaccompanied children — some as young as 12 or 13 — who came to them for help in the past six weeks after the city cut more than $700,000 from the shelter’s budget." Other shelters are having similar problems. No child should be turned away from a shelter. The DC Government is flush with money, so please sign this petition that the DC government provide a shelter bed for all DC homeless youth tonight.

Dear Mayor Gray:

I read in the Post that homeless youth were being turned away from homeless shelters in DC because of budget cuts. Please provide a shelter bed for all DC homeless youth tonight. Making certain that kids have a safe place to live should be a number one priority. To bring attention to this problem, I made this petition. I am not a community organizer, which likely created the outcome number-wise, but it is unbelievable to many that kids are being turned away from shelter. Please provide them at least a bed for the night. Thank you.


Johanna Bockman

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