California Lawmakers Are Keeping Residents Safe from Gun Violence. More States Must Do the Same!

  • por: Care2 Team
  • destinatário: U.S. state lawmakers
On January 1st, an exciting new law went into effect in California. It protects people from deadly gun violence by banning folks from carrying concealed firearms in most public spaces.

This is incredible news for public safety. More states must pass these laws!

As gun violence escalates in the U.S., with a shocking number of mass shootings each year, it's more important than ever for lawmakers to protect the public.

The law will specifically ban anyone from carrying concealed guns in 26 different public places, including churches, schools' grounds and parking areas, courts, banks, parks, playgrounds, sidewalks, zoos, and more.

In addition, it implements a variety of other important regulations to improve gun safety. For example, it creates stronger background checks before approving gun permits, increases requirements for training on safety including handling and storage of guns.

These common sense reform measures will help keep children, teachers, and general public safety.

No one should have to feel afraid for their lives when going to work or school. As the U.S. continues to succumb to worsening gun violence and the terror that accompanies it, more states must take preventative measures to protect their residents! Sign the petition to demand more U.S. states pass gun safety laws like those in California!
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