• por: Linda Moss
  • destinatário: SJRWMD, FWC, Lake county commissioners, Lake County Water Authority, Wood and Curran ( COMPANY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE NURF)

Lake Beauclaire has always been the step sister to the HARRIS CHAIN OF LAKES IMO. Now its demise is getting closer and closer. Toxic waste of arsenic and Aluminum are mounded nicely and planted by FWC for Bass fisherman to fish on. PLantings that cover almost the entire lake are out of control and stopping the best of engines navigating through it. Since the sunsetting of the Harris Restoration Council, we have no government body to stop this. LCWA is a new board seeking its own path, and the county commission has not one chain of lakes lover on it. Otherwise Lake Beauclair would not be in this situation and SJRWMD would have been stopped from letting muck flow from Lake Apopka every time they open the dam doors to fill our canals and Lakes. PLEASE STOP ! PLEASE TAKE ACTION! PLEASE STOP SJRWMD AND FWC FROM THESE ACTIONS AND MAKE THEM ACCOUNTABLE.

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