Save Indian Tigers-The Wild Glory of India

  • por: Dr. R. C. Sihag
  • destinatário: Minister of Environment and Forests, Government of India

Diminishing Indian Tigers ring the alarm bell

 Alarm bells have started ringing threatening the survival of Indian tiger. This beautiful wild cat earlier roamed whole of the Northern, North-eastern, Western and Central India. During British Empire, This animal was killed ruthlessly. The poaching continued during post independence years also. This resulted in to fast decline of its numbers which went below 2000 in 1972. Sensing the extremely low tiger population in the country, the prestigious Project Tiger was started in 1973 for the conservation of this species. Earlier in 1972, Indian wildlife act also came into existence. Initial results of these efforts were encouraging. By 1990, the number of tigers in the country increased to around 4000. But, after that a sorry state of affairs started resulting in to the decline of their numbers. Paroma Basu from New Delhi, India reported for National Geographic News on August 7, 2007 that India's wild tiger population was between 1,300 and 1,500; even less than half of what it was in 2002. According to preliminary estimates from an ongoing government census,  the new numbers announced at a gathering of conservationists in New Delhi at that time were a shocking drop from the previous population estimate of about 3,600. Now  again at present this is estimated even less than 1500. These tigers are mainly restricted to Ranthambore, and Kanha National parks, and Sunderbans area; Panna and Siriska National Parks now do not have even a single tiger. Reasons are many. The poaching for the Tiger products continues; its habitat has been severely encroached by human settlements and disturbances; and no efforts were made to prevent inbreeding among local tiger populations. In fact, the conservation efforts were purely administrative, and these completely lacked strong scientific support and backing. The net result is the attaining of this species an endangered status. If very serious efforts are not made, with this speed of its decline, this species will soon become extinct. India, the once land of Cheetah, now does not have even a single individual of this species. Next causality seems to be the Indian tiger. It is the time to save this animal from extinction. Kindly act now and use your authority to conserve this marvelous wild glory  of India.

Honourable Sir,
We the undersigned, from all over the globe, ernestly share our feelings to convey your goodself that the tiger is the wild glory of India. Although the government is taking due interest in the conservation of this beautiful wild cat, we still feel that more stringent , target oriented and time scheduled steps be taken to relapse the lost population of this animal.We hope that your personal interest in this matter will bring fruitful results soon in the years to come.Thanking you very much for going through our requests.
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