Put Up Laws Against Animal Abuse

  • por: Iyad Harb
  • destinatário: The Lebanese Government 
Many countries are developing by the minute. Laws are growing more complex and concrete, new technologies are spreading like air, and equality and rights are taken more into concern. However, there's still one thing missing... And that is the laws that are yet to exist against those who treat animals like property. We watch as dogs are beaten and cats are left out on the street, while we can do nothing about it. Now, we ask for new laws and new punishments to achieve justice for those poor animals. 
We the undersigned hope for the putting of laws that can defend pets and other innocent animals from abuse. Many countries now prosecute abusers of pets, and it's your turn to do the same. Please take the time to think of all the animals who are in need of your help, and all the animals that can be saved. Thank you for your valuable time
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