Get Richard Dawkins on TV in the States!

Richard Dawkins is a prominent atheist, but also an ethologist, a zoologist, and evolutionary biologist.  His programs have provided entertainment and education to be people overseas, and to everyone who has bought his DVDs.  But his stuff remains sadly off-grid here in the States, and we, the undersigned, would like that to change.

We would like to see all, or at least some, of Richard Dawkins%u2019 documentaries on the Science Channel, the National Geographic Channels, the Discovery channel, and/or the History channels.  Here is a list of Richard Dawkins%u2019 material:

Nice Guys Finish First -
The Blind Watchmaker -
Growing Up in the Universe -
Break the Science Barrier -
The Root of All Evil? -
The Enemies of Reason -
The Genius of Charles Darwin -
Faith School Menace -

Please consider at least some of these shows for viewing here in the United States.

Thank you.
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