Millions of animals die due to animal testing a year. Many have to watch others die right in front of them- even their own babies. Every day of their lives, they wake up and wonder what kind of torture they would go through today.
Don't read the following if you are too sensitive:
What actually happens to these poor, helpless animals? You might ask. Well here are just a few:
They are forced to breathe cigar smoke, forced to endure needles in their mouth, eyes, nose and head all at the same time with no pain killers, soap, shampoo and makeup are dropped into their eyes, they are experimented surgerically on while awake, their heads are cut off with scissors (mice and rats) their spines are crushed and much, much more. For burn 'studies' the animal is burned alive until their flesh can come off in big pieces. For head trauma research, they are strapped down and a machine hits them in the head with different forces.
These poor animals are tested on products that might not even make it to the stores or see public consumption or use. So many of these animals die in vain with no benefit to humans.
These animals also never see the outdoors. Their home is a steel cage, not the woods and they have no food. They see bright lights, humans and needles when they should be seeing others of their kind, grassy slopes a wide open sky and trees for cover.
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