Constitutional Amendment to Stop Lobbyists

Congress has spent the last few decades avoiding enacting a decent election reform law.  Let's help Congress along by demanding a Constitutional Amendment that will require political candidates to take ONLY $500 or less in campaign contributions from any given person or organization.

     It's time for lobbyists to stop owning our governement. 

     We can do this!

We the undersigned request, require and demand election reform in America. 

Since Congress has done nothing in the past several decades to provide election reform, then it is time for American citizens themselves to instigate, pursue and pass a Constitutional Amendment that will limit the amount of money that individuals and groups are allowed to donate to political campaigns.  This Amendment will limit campaign donations to FIVE HUNDERD DOLLARS OR LESS per person or group for each political candidate -- both national and local.

It has become clear from Congress' inaction that we ourselves must act on a national scale to prevent corporate lobbyists from owning our country.

We Americans own America. 

It's time to step up to the plate and pass a Constitutional Amendment to protect our country from being bought and sold by lobbyists.

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