Tell Vietnam to End Greyhound Racing

The life of a racetrack greyhound is sad and miserable, and it's encouraging to know greyhound racing is on its way out in America. But at the same time it's disturbing to hear that Vietnam plans to expand this cruel business over there.

GREY2K USA learned last month of plans to open tracks throughout Vietnam and Cambodia, along with an intent to breed the dogs there as well.

Already evidence has surfaced revealing how these dogs are treated. Video footage, said to be of the kennels at the Vung Tau racetrack, shows them in stacked warehouse-style cages with hardly enough room to stretch out or turn around.

GREY2K USA says that until dog racing is outlawed, dogs will continue to be confined in small cages for long hours and suffer serious injuries, neglect and death. "We must join together as a global community...until dog racing ends everywhere."

Tell Vietnam to end greyhound racing.

We, the undersigned, are disturbed to learn that greyhound racing is being expanded in your country and of the cruel warehouse-style housing provided these animals.

We agree with GREY2K USA that, rather than expanding this horrible practice as your country is doing, greyhound racing should be phased out and ended as soon as possible - everywhere.

Because of the growing awareness that racetrack dogs live lives of miserable confinement, "suffer serious injuries, and are sometimes killed when they are no longer profitable " (GREY2K USA),  this cruel practice is finally beginning to end in the United States.

We request that you close down these racetracks as soon as possible. And, in the meantime, we insist you provide your greyhounds with proper care and humane treatment, which does not include confining them for hours at a time, in small cages, as the video at Vung Tau reveals.

Thank you for your attention to these requests.
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