Help keep this murderer in prison that went beyond murder

James L Lawson inmate number A384-220 a prisoner of the State of Ohio Department of Corrections was sentenced to life in prison with a chance of parole after 20 years. We feel this prisoner needs to stay in prison for the rest of his life sentence. Feb. 25 , 1998 James L Lawson murdered Cheryl Durkin in Middletown Ohio. He bashed her head in she had 6 large holes in her skull he then dismembered her body threw the torso in the river. With the help of his mother Ellen Peck and sister Melissa Botts they buried the rest of the body parts in two states. This monster needs to stay behind bars where we are safe from him. Thank you

Atualização #26 anos atrás
I want to thank each and everyone of you for your support. I will promise you I will do everything in my power to keep him locked up. I have a Facebook page Cheryl Ann Durkin feel free to see the updates. His family maintains the lies he has told so I have been putting up parts of the trial transcripts so that the truth is out there. On her page you will see this is not the first time he has abused girls.
Atualização #16 anos atrás
I want to thank everyone for your wonderful support our family appreciates each and everyone of you. Cheryl has a face book page if you would like to know more about her. There are pictures and video's feel free to visit her page Cheryl Ann Durkin .
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