Jette, the bear needs a new home

Jette is a female bear and she is placed in the zoo of Calbe in Germany. She must stay in a cage - all around closed with cement walls, and can see nothing outside of her cage, only the walls all around her, and the cement floor where she stand on. The only " free view " she has was up to the sky to the steel bars on the top of her cage ... and she look up in the blue sky over her with a desire and pleasefull look to leave this terrible place !!!

Please support a replace of Jette out of this terrible conditions and help her with your voice, that she will come into a new better home. There is an offer from a Bear Park in Germany ( ) which would take Jette and give her this new home, where she can feel the green gras under her feeds ...set a sign and support with your voice this offer for a better life for Jette !

People enter the zoo at night and thrown stones and sticks into Jettes cage on her. In her cage Jette has to life since many many years in a 205 m2 cage with a cement floor and cement walls all around. Jette has no visual view outside of her cage, only up to the sky an the steel bars on that terrible cage what you call her home. She is isolated from all around her ... This is the sad life you giving her in the zoo. Take the offer you got from the bear Park in Worbis and rehomed her there. There she can fell the green gras under her paws, climb on trees, is not alone and can be happy. There she will got all what your zoo can not given her.

We, the petition signers ask you to show respect for her, end her isolated lonelyless and rehomed her at the bear park in Worbis.


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