Petition to prohibit residential fireworks; explosives within Holland, Michigan city limits

    The July 4th holiday has turned into 4+days and sounds like a war zone. We have pets here that are scared to death, dying birds (from stress), people with various issues that loud bangs exacerbate.

    On the 4th, there were 2 little girls probably 8 and 10 years old cheerfully firing bottle rockets onto the rooftops and cars in our carport. No parental supervision. There were kids back in the woods again, no adult to be seen setting off large ordinance. There are no trespassing signs on every entry to our property. The police are busy and do not have time to check on the multitude of complaints. They must dread the week of the 4th as much as city residents do.

    It is very dry and grass fires that can lead to house fires and other tragedies. It would only take a spark from a mis-aimed firework/explosive to start a fire. Where I live, there are six buildings full of families and pets who are in danger from the lack of common sense that permeates everything today. The exception being a professional display like the beautiful display at Kollen Park. A choice can be made whether to go or not go to enjoy the fireworks.

    The way it is now, it is beyond upsetting to be stuck in your home trying to sooth your baby, pets, or veteran.

    The metallic particles in the smoke emitted by fireworks pose a health risk, particularly to people who suffer from asthma, new research shows. The metallic particles in the smoke emitted by fireworks pose a health risk, particularly to people who suffer from asthma. Nov 17, 2010

    The trash left on the streets and curbs is also toxic, and poses a risk to the water shed as it is washed away during rain
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