Support the Harb Seal Bill!
In 2009, Senator Mac Harb made history by becoming the first Canadian politician to propose a law to end the suffering of baby seals. Through the efforts of people like you, he has already received 578,000 messages of support!
In March of 2010, he re-introduced the bill, and now we need to renew our efforts to flood Canadian Embassies with even more messages of support. Help us reach our goal 825,000 emails and letters: one for every seal pup the Canadian government authorized to be killed in the past 3 years.
Let's show Senator Harb that he has our support. This is a chance to end the hunt forever.
Please email Canada's Ambassador urging his support for the Harb bill and for ending the commercial seal hunt.
Send Letter:
Please sign the Petition and share it with your Friends! Spread the Word! Crosspost to all Networks you are belong to!