Water and Food for Monkey island - NYBC take responsibility!

  • por: Justine T
  • destinatário: New York Blood Centre

66 chimpanzees were once experimented on to help find vaccinations for viruses in a laboratory set up by the New York Blood Center (NYBC) in 1974.

The controversial project was terminated in 2005 and resulted in the animals being left on six small Liberian islets where they rely on humans to provide them with food - or face starvation and have no fresh water supply.

At the time of the project closing, the director appeared to promise that the organisation would continue to provide care for the animals - a claim which the company itself disputes.

NYBC say it's the Liberian governments responsibility to look after these chimpanzees that they used for research.

HSUS an animal charity has had to launch a desperate appeal, after funding for the chimps was dramatically pulled in March.

I believe this is a failure in a duty of care by an organisation that should know better. Monkey island should have water for the chimpanzees to drink and a food source before they abandon them to live wild. Join me in telling them this.

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Atualização #19 anos atrás
NYBC depite pleas from many groups haven't changed their stance so I'm proposing a new tactic to petition their charitable partners to convince NYBC to take responsibility and ensure the longterm care of the chimpanzees who have helped them:
• Champions $5M
• Pioneers $2.5-4.9M
• Visionaries $1-2.49M
• Guardians $500-999K
• Humanitarians $250-499K
• Scholars $100-249K
• Benefactors $50-99K
• Samaritans $25-49K
• Builders $10-24K
• Ambassadors $5-9K
• Friends $1-5K
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