Increase funding for disabled & aged care in Australia

    I want to be a voice for ALL vulnerable people. I have a neurological brain injury & I'm creating this petition on my own. I apologise if I have worded things wrong, I have no one to help me. I really need the support of the australian community please to make these changes.

    Having a disability & being aged isn't easy & can also be very challenging/hard for both their carers, families & friends who are looking after them. They say australia is one of the luckiest countries in the world? yet its failing our most vulnerable people.

    This is the 3rd petition I've tried creating on my own, but I'm just ONE of many people who is vulnerable in australia & who relies on government funding for extra help.

    The Australian Government has both a disability sector (NDIS) & aged care sector, but what the majority of people in australia don't understand is that funding is EXTREMELY LIMITED. Limited in the sense that both people with disabilities & aged care people can't get the care they desperately need, with only certain things being funded & the rest vulnerable people have to fork out $$$ themselves.

    I have many disabilities which include autism, irlen meres syndrome (vision), chronic back/neck issues, mental health, pre diabetes, functional neurological disorder & the list goes on. I'm supporting myself & now unable to medically work.

    I'm on NDIS myself & very greatful. You'd think that people on NDIS would be able to get everything they need with government funding, but that's completely not the case. I have medical specialists now taken off (that I need) & I have to fork out my own money. People might say have a review review, adjust your funding etc. It's about there being EXTREMELY LIMITED funding not about adjusting the plan.

    Just the past 3/4 months alone I've had MULTIPLE specialists to see (having to use my own $$$) & I've had to space them our every fortnight- for 3/4 months!!!. I'm also on disability pension, so it's not easy.

    And because of my brain injury I'm now selling everything I own to be able to get the things I need furniture wise, as the disability sector doesn't provide provide personal items. To get to the point where I need to sell everything I own & love is disgusting, but what choice do I have.

    There are sooo many vulnerable people who NEED government funding, yet it's extremely limited as to what support they can get even on ndis or aged care support. People like myself didn't ask to have a disability & lots of people with disabilities have extremely high medical needs, ongoing health issues etc. People who are aged are the key to our past & to not be able to get the support they desperately need with long term health & care is devastating.

    Will you please help me share this far & wide? To make a stand & change for ALL vulnerable people in australia who are disabled & aged.

    Thank you
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