Create a gender-neutral bathroom at San Dieguito Academy

  • por: Milo Spearman
  • destinatário: Tim Hornig, Principal, San Dieguito Academy

Our school and other schools in our area have a lot of kids who are transgender or just don't quite know who they are. Creating at least one gender-neutral bathroom would be great for all students who are transitioning or questioning. This restroom would be a single use restroom.

This way, people that don't yet know what they want to be recognized as can go here without feeling awkward in either of the other bathrooms. We can save transgender and questioning students the stress and trouble of having to make the extremely tough decision.

This would be an amazing and very helpful addition to the remodeling of our school. We already have a handful of trans students may want to have this option. It would really help us out as a community and family.

If you are curious about other examples that have implemented these, here are some links that demonstrate this:
Please sign my petition to ask my school, San Dieguito Academy, to designate at least one gender-neutral bathroom!

Atualização #19 anos atrás
Hey! Thanks you all so much for 5,000+ signatures! It really amazes me how many people can band together for a common cause, and it really means a lot to me, our school, and our community as a whole. So thank you so much for all of the support! It really helps, and I hope this can really pull through! Be sure to check for another update sometime in the near future. :)
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