Say "NO" to nickel mining near a nature reserve in Russia

  • destinatário: Government of the Voronezh region, the President of Russia

Since 1935, this has been a nature reserve. 1200 species of plants, including those on the brink of extinction. 40 species of fish. 226 species of birds. 45 species of mammals.

Just a few kilometres away from this place, the government of the Voronezh region is planning to launch nickel mining ventures. This will lead the water to be poisoned by dangerous chemicals, including arsenic) and hundreds of creatures to die out. They are begging you to help...

The government prefer to only see the economic benefits and ignore the disastrous ecological consequences.

Please help us prevent this! Ask your friends to sign this petition! We can do this together!
We live on the same Earth, and we are nothing without it.

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