China - Stop All Cruelty on Animals!

This petition is promted by the article about Chinese cruelty on rabbits - see it only if you can take it - watching rabbits scream in pain while they are being tied up and having their fur removed.

How cruel humans can be? And is there a worse destiny than being an animal in China?  If you are like me and can't take any more of human cruelty on animals, sign this petition to stop the production and the trade of fur.  It really has to stop.  IT HAS TO STOP NOW!!!

Atualização #110 anos atrás
Dear Friends,

For the chinese Dong Festival, the villages of the Guangxi Zhuang region practice hoisting bulls up trees and leaving them there until they die. These animals suffer a very slow, agonizing, and terror-filled death while villagers and tourists (including children) snap photos and laugh it up.
The head of the bull is decorated in flowers in a mocking manner as the bull slowly starves to death.

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