Jimmy John's CEO - Animal Murderer

Jimmy Johns CEO "Jimmy John Liautaud" is an animal killer and proud of it! He "Big game hunts" Elephants, leopards, big horns and whatever else he can shoot with his greasy bloated hands. I've gone to Jimmy John's a handful of times and now that I know what this dirty pig CEO does I feel disgusted that I ever gave them money.

Unless you want to buy this guy bullets to shoot defenseless animals, then go right ahead and eat there, you might as well be pulling the trigger.

Not only is he an animal killer, this company claims to be "Sustainable" and a good company. Every day at every Jimmy Johns location, they throw out pounds upon pounds of bread that's just a few hours old!!! That's food that could be feeding the homeless and the needy!

Atualização #19 anos atrás
Thank you all so much for all of the support! We have until July 31st to collect as many signatures as we can! After, I will be mailing out all signatures! Tell as many people as you can so we can spread the word about this corrupt murderer!
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